
Ahh, I love Sundays when there’s not much else to do, the sun is shining and Spring is trying its darndest to break out of its Winter hibernation.  This past Sunday, hubby and I went food shopping quickly (this involves 3 stores, oy) and then decided to take a bike ride by the canal later on.  That, however, will be a different post 🙂  K got a bike from his parents for Christmas so we’ve been looking to bike together later this year.  But while he put the bike together in the driveway, I took myself to the library to check out some books for the next month.

I think in the future we’ll be able to bike to the library (and the farmer’s market) together, but I was unsure if I could make it by the close, so I drove instead.  I did look for a bike rack at the library though and didn’t see one.  K thinks it may be on the other side, but who knows?  We have tons of bike paths around here, and not nearly as many racks.

Flagship library

Flagship library

I’m not sure when it was built, but it sure looks like a bunch of 1970s-ish concrete.  Not the most beautiful thing by far, but it’s pretty large and holds many book, including one that is out right now but I’ve called dibs on next 🙂

Alright, in reality, it’s the only book that came up when I looked up “urban homesteading” on the library catalog.  But it looks pretty interesting, even if it’s stuff I’ve read about before.

I also took out a bunch of other books that looked pretty interesting.

Library books

From left to right:

  • The Complete Photo Guide to Sewing
    My MIL gave me an old Kenmore sewing machine in perfect condition that was sitting in her attic for years sometime before Christmas.  It belonged to K’s aunt who passed away from breast cancer 2002 😦  I’ve been meaning to get into sewing for quite a long time, I’ve been cross-stitching for years, and it was a great gift.  However, I still don’t know how to use it.  I meant to sign up for a Joann’s basic sewing machine class but have been too busy thus far.  Hopefully, this will be a lot of help!
  • Cleaning Plain & Simple by Donna Smallin
    I’m always looking for new green cleaning tips. I’m not actually sure how much green cleaning is in here but I saw lots of mentions of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide, so it looked good enough to bring home.
  • Farewell My Subaru by Doug Fine
    I’ve been meaning to pick this book up for awhile as it’s on a lot of locavorism book lists.  It’s about a guy who moves to New Mexico to live without fossil fuel for a year.  It’s about the contradictions and challenges of going green when you’ve never really tried it before.  It sounds hilarious!
  • The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri
    My mom actually had this book the last time I visited my parents, and since I can’t be without a book for more than 2 hours (it’s a compulsion, really) I picked it up and started reading it. I only got to p. 88 before I left, so I’ve been meaning to get it and finish it because it really was fascinating.  So far, it seems to be about an Indian (as in Calcutta, India) in the 60s/70s who are trying to fit in America without losing their Indian heritage.  From the back of the book, it looks like it’s more about their son, but I haven’t gotten that far yet.  Very good so far.
  • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
    My friends still can’t believe I haven’t read this book yet.  It’s at the TOP of locavorism book lists and I’ve been meaning to get to it for well over a year.  But I’ve been trying to finish several other books before I got to this one.  For those who don’t know, this is about a family who decided to live on local food for one year, food that was either grown by themselves or raised within 100 miles of where they lived.

And that’s my library sojourn for the day! They’re due back April 13th, so I’ll have to get to reading.

Modern Homesteading

The other day, hubby and I were at Barnes and Noble, looking for a travel guide to D.C, when my eyes fell on a table of books. Now, if you’ve ever been to a Barnes and Noble, it’s likely you’ve seen a similar setup – a table with lots of books lined up all over it and a sign that says “Classics” or “Black History Month” or whatever subject the books are all aligned with. But the sign on this table was one I’ve never seen before. It said…

Modern Homesteading

No joke, my jaw fell open. I’ve never seen in print this thing that I’m into – but Modern Homesteading is it! Of course, I just about fell over myself opening every single book on canning, raising chickens, planning vegetable gardens, etc.

Ok, so right now I can’t raise my own chicks. Even though there’s lots of advice on how to urban homestead, and even though I don’t exactly live in a city, I am not extreme enough at this moment in time to go and try to raise my own meat or get my own eggs. BUT, it is something that hubby and I have talked about in the past and when we finally end up on our lovely old farmhouse with lots o’ land (*cough cough*, one day 🙂 it is exactly the type of thing we would love to do. Along with a goat. (Whatever, I’m dreaming, mmmkay?) I’ve already got the fruit canning down, and have to get a pressure canner so we can start canning meats and veggies).

In the meantime, it has given me lots of inspiration for what we would like to start aiming for.

Here are some cool and wacky blogs/websites that one could use for inspiration: